Thursday, May 28, 2020

a below sealevel view of tibet

this male star that must be the idol of that boy singer echoing this young man's gestures, .. starts off w a few sheepbleats and yakgrunts, .. tent, milk, lake, stupa ... drone over grassland city ... sheepherd.

aaien en paaien? in dutch this conjures associations of inveiglment (caress and ply ... is 'gunst' a word stuck in ego pecking orders? it means favor). Do, as that country once held to firmly .. when it still was sopping wet, clean water and clean milk, neither plentiful any longer, 'zachte heelmeester stinkende wonden' make? Maybe, .. but the maai [cut, as in grasscutting] principle is totally mechanized, hellified, destructive from speed over after scythey days that brought us a eurashaman like Cernunnos, actually buried under Notre Damme, trying  to keep him down with the weight of prayer ... in vain ...

Maaien, grasscutting, ... overused and overrated in the process of the attempt 'paal en perk te stellen' [equally vain] to the herdifying process and stop the spreading of desert meme and desert god severity and deceit

And here ends this installment of ruminations from this formerly very colourful mix at the confluence of western european waters.

Am i in favor of the CCCP? Yeah, if Wolfram Elsner ran it, sure .. but he's just one of it's potemkin dupes it seems.

114 Kommentare ...

    Derewo sagt:   

    22. Mai 2020 at 20:22

    Nach 3 Jahren China und den Zeigen von diesen Unsinn an meine chinesische Frau, das Buch sollte keiner kaufen und sich das Geld sparen. Dieser Mann hat null Ahnung von China.

weiterlesen bei:

Was zum nachdenken über den Staat China.

Wolfram Elsner („Keine Angst vor China: Wie die neue Nummer Eins die Welt verändert“)


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