Monday, April 20, 2020

Caitlin Roper w Derrick Jensen--pathologizin dolls

Caitlin Roper—Collective Shout feminist activist & writer—Derrick Jensen Resistance Radio 2020-04-19 --- 136 views -- Apr 19 ---- Deep Green Resistance --- 7.7K subscribers
Caitlin Roper is a feminist activist, writer and PhD candidate. She is also campaigns manager for Collective Shout: for a world free of sexploitation, a grassroots campaigning movement challenging the objectification of women and the sexualisation of girls in media, advertising and popular culture.

the 20th minute would have been a good time to bring up a good prosexdoll argument for a change: the menhatred and stinginess of [bad] females [a touch too many is all it takes].... duuuuuh .. but i didn't actually expect this to be brought up. Derrick's work is notoriously poor when it comes to gender /ethnicity aspects of 'transdemographixyfluxies'. An especially good reason to discuss this is to give a semblance of balance to what is in fact a horrible harangue without it. come visit my gender lists ... it's lockdown 'care rule' w 'blanket urban coverage innit? aren't ic rooms a direct echo of inquisitional torture rooms? talk about agism.

48th minute: cognitively dissonant switch from "deprivation" (of warmth and acuity to even vaguely learn, let alone see and help with what i am driving at in my case) to porn.
 And so, likewise, when receptive children come to my door in flocks great and small, alone even, to play, learn about nettle tea, rock, soil, the diff between force and agression, etcetera, i get complained against and investigated by specialists which of course unleashes a whisper campaign amongst young ladies susceptible to fearporn, primed and prepped by duuh mediah messiahges. Spectacular theatrics in my case cause i pushed the issue by keeping my games in the plein public eye which provoked hysteric redoubling of efforts in my opponents. Strange thing is, al it did is isolate me. A deaf and dumb mute not far away and not long after that wasn't so lucky. The accusation [cellphone alarm from distant flat] immediately caught fire (mostly due to temperamentality - tropical imports from former colonies, areas betrayed and now beset by indonesians) and the 'offender' [who stood there waiting / texting, not dirty picxing] was 'restrained' (5 men sat on top of him until he expired. The police hushed the whole thing understandably). When even the friends of better world vista openers like yourselves are complicit in the gridlock polarization, who needs enemies?

"my case" = excellent excellent credentials, positioned just right to bring us thru these very stormy vortex  eye times .. but they are unreadable to lowskilled workers and i prioritized mobilizing help thru reasoning over 'promonstration' i guess


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