Tuesday, May 12, 2020

2017 Judy Mikovits - corrected slightly by commenter

the 10 Natural News vid mirrored at TruthSeekerTV from a year ago has this comment by Robyn Erland: There is a lot of misinformation being spread online regarding this.  I know because I was there since 2009 helping her and the suffering CFS patients through it all. I also have all the proof of everything that happened. I also tested positive for the mouse retrovirus in her family study and my whole family is sick, have cancer or are dead. Please read her book which I also helped edit and market for all to know the truth. Although the government did help to shut down her data with the Lipkin Multistudy.  It was her ex employers, the Whittemores who had her arrested. 

The "gag order" was not an actual gag order. What happened was the criminal case, which should have been dismissed, actually had the charges dropped without prejudice.  What that meant is they could refile those charges anytime during the statue of limitations which was 4 years.  Her employers also brought a civil case against her which said she could not be on social media. Once the 4 years ended her employers could no longer threaten her with the criminal charges.

  It's all in the book and everything that happened is still online everywhere.  She also did not find the retroviruses in vaccines.  She found them in CFS patients and the blood supply.  This prompted officials to look into cell lines used to make biologicals.  They found many mlv's in those cell lines. Here's one of their findings: Frequent Detection of Infectious Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus (XMLV) in Human Cultures Established from Mouse Xenografts https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3218386/

   It was detemined they could become airborne and the animal retroviruses could transmit into human cell lines kept together in the same lab.  Also they use the retroviral vectors for delivering vaccines and immunotherapies for cancers directly into cells.  I also found where many birds are infected with these retroviruses and it happened because the fowlpox vaccine made in the 30's was also infected with the animal retroviruses. They found birds are infecting each other via close contact as well.  And we know flu and MMR vaccines use eggs to make vaccines.  The infectious retroviruses are in their genomes and have been for decades. You can read about that here: https://www.the-scientist.com/daily-news/unexpected-origin-of-an-avian-virus-38813

  One other problem I found a few years ago was the fact Asia has been using mousebrains which are filled with retrvoiruses in their JE vaccines since the 30's.  Interestingly they stopped using that version of the vaccines in 2010 shortly after Judy's paper came out and they sighted safety reasons.  Here is the vaccine they had used to vaccinate all of Asia and elsewhere.  https://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM123761.pdf

  The problem is not just vaccines.  If the birds can spread it via close contact  and through vertical transmission, it's a sure bet that has been happening for decades in people.  Many of us are already infected, so are our children and grandchildren. All it takes once the immune system is compromised is a viral or other infection or a vaccine to start the disease process. Anything that alters the immune system can bring on one of the illnesses or cancers associated with the mouse retroviruses.  It depends on our genetics regarding what illness we get.  In my family we have breast blood and colon cancer, 2 cases of ME/CFS, parkinsons, graves disease, and MS.  None of these things ran in our family tree.


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