Wednesday, December 21, 2005

currency research group snippets gets people out of debt on the grounds that the money lent to them is fake ?????????????

A comment, a quote and some more comment:

4665 From: "William B. Ryan" Date: Wed Dec 7, 2005 5:41pm
Subject: Re: How to get free money to start a CC community and start printing bills
w_b_ryanOffline OfflineSend Email Send Email

So, ijccr becomes the conveying point for financialscams.

I can assure you that federal jail cells await thepurveyors of such scams that prey on the vulnerableand gullible. Bank fraud is after all a federal crime in the United States, and is an extraditable offense in most jurisdictions throughout the world, including Canada and Italy. It also falls under the RICOstatutes for organized criminal conspiracy, alsoextraditable.
This is what in the law is termed a materially false statement:
"The awards for damages that The Group arranges forit's clients are appropriate, due to the fact thatdebt lenders have NOTHING at risk when they make a'loan', due to their NON-DISCLOSED practice ofcreating 'credit money' out of NOTHING, 'lending' itout, and collecting principal and interest paymentsfrom customers on the resulting fraudulent contract."
It's one thing to spew such rank nonsense on discussion lists like this, which, in the sprit offree speech, is a forum for the venting of cranks. Itis quite another to use sophisticated multi-levelmarketing schemes to promote such crap to fleece thepublic.
In the fractional reserve system, each and every lender is individually at risk for its reserve deposit balances in other financial institutions that are required to clear transactions between institutions.

Bad loans represent debits to their individualclearing balances, which they recover only by costingthem into the "price" paid by their customers forfinancial services who do not default.
It is this clearing function that makes bank depositsfungible, acceptable by every seller of goods andservices in the economy.
And without it, the modern economy could not function.

Hi all
I'm afraid that I have to admot to agreeing with wbr here.
He asks
> So, ijccr becomes the conveying point for financial> scams.
in relation to the topic.
I would also try to paraphrase what I think mr grumpy bum was trying to express, to wit
According to Douglas, interest exists and servres several purposes. The factthat it redisributes wealth from the poor to the wealthy can be ameliorated by redistributing that money in a more socially just manner.
Maybe I get that wrong. Anyway, the core business of this list is to discuss alternatives to the current money paradigm, not just about reforming it. Trying to discredit, or corrupt such a goal is unhelpful.
cheers Graeme Taylor
Returning the money to the people

From: Levi Philos Date: Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:27 pm
Subject: Rothbard Critique of White's book on Free Banking in Britain
jcarvingblockOffline OfflineSend Email Send Email

I just up loaded a rtf format file that is Rothbard's critique of
White's book on free banking in Britain.
The original was a pdf file of scanned images from the original thatappeared as a book review in The Review of Austrian Economics.
I found the link on a Rothbard link page:
The new file may be found in the files area of the IJCCR forum group:
I consider this to be a revealing and important critique because I
find it correct. I have read both Hayek's book DENATIONALIZATION OFMONEY and George Selgin's 1988 book on free banking. My recent workon the behalf of Mr. Thomas Greco and the website involves re-creating a book from 1872 that is about banking in Scotland from 1800 to 1865 +/- a bit. FactsI have learned from this effort refute some of what both Hayek andSelgin say.
There is one error in Rothbard's critique. (I have one advantage overRothbard in that I am in possession of scanned images of an 1872 book onScottish banking that Rothbard did not have.) Rothbard says on thesecond page of the rtf file that "specie reserves held by the Scottishbanks had averaged from 10 to 20 percent in the second half of theeighteenth century, but then had dropped sharply to a range of less than1 to 3 percent in the first half of the nineteenth." The book that Ihave from 1872 shows differently. Reserves varied from bank to bank(they were functioning in an independent manner) and without checking myfiles but rather from my faulty memory I believe the actual reservesvaried from a high of nearly 60% to a low of roughly 10-20%. That is tosay, Rothbard, who is quoting White only for this figure should probablyhave checked his other sources.
The point I am trying to make here, is there HAS NEVER BEEN 100%RESERVES.
This revealing FACTUAL INFORMATION has led me to a different conclusion.Do your own search for "real bills doctrine" and perhaps you will agreewith my conclusion. My conclusion is that neither gold nor silveractually ever set the price for all commodities, finished goods, andlabor based services. Greco has been saying for some time that what buysthe products of human endeavor are other products of human effort andthe clearance function where banks settle differences between contractsis a very important function to understand.
What I have been trying to prove lately is the actual function ofthe deposits of specie - IS TO ACT AS A PERFORMANCE BOND.
In footnote #18 Rothbard quotes Mises in HUMAN ACTION page 443: "What isneeded to prevent any further credit expansion is to place the bankingbusiness under the general rules of commercial and civil laws compellingevery individual and firm to fulfill all obligations in full compliancewith the terms of the contract."
Now, Mises was presuming that all contracts would be written in termsreflecting the price of gold. Many people on these lists already know we (in the western world) are already functioning under commercial laws where establishment of who is the debtor and who is the creditor is the first question and there is no final settlement of contractavailable in specie of any type.
However, if my thesis about performance bonds is correct, then thiscan be a useful tool for anyone wishing to work with alternative money system models. Recognition of the performance bond role meansthat a variety of things can function as performance bonds just aslong as they have a wide market and easy liquidity. It opens the doorto models where the unit of exchange is time and deposits of valuablesare referenced that can beliquidated if contracts are dishonored.
Your feedback is welcome, but I would appreciate it if you would carbon copy your response to me personally with "Rothbard" in the subject line.
Levi Philos

sound like genuine folks

The Virtual & Global Social Democratic Party - Worldwide Political Exchange
Rolf Oberhaensli, Lucerne, Switzerland

Friday, December 09, 2005

"Beria--My Father: Inside Stalin's Kremlin" reviewed by TNR

Truth and Consequences
by Stephen Kotkin

Post date 03.22.03 | Issue date 03.31.03

Khrushchev: The Man and His Era
By William Taubman
(W.W. Norton, 876 pp., $35)

Beria--My Father: Inside Stalin's Kremlin
By Sergo Beria
(Viking, 305 pp., $25.95)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Alexandr Dugin quotes Jacov Bromberg, Mikail Agursky in "the jews and eurasia"

keep in mind that the colour coding I added to the text is mirrored (reversed in present day American conditions: coastal states are predominantly liberal and assigned and/or have adopted the colour blue, landlocked religious and rightish ones the colour red.

- After the Bolshevik revolution the "Jewish Occidentalism" as a whole backed the "white" side, and despite its racial affinity to the Bolshevik leaders, it did not recognize itself in the universalist and mystic-oriented "Jewish Orientalists". Just as the Russians were divided during the revolution between "white" and "red", — also on the basis of deep-rooted archetypal features (but this requires a separate discussion), — Hebraism too was broken in a political sense, along a deep-rooted line much earlier outlined, in two inter-Jewish camps — Hassidic-Kabbalists (Bolsheviks), on the one side, and Talmudist-rationalists (illuminist, bourgeois-capitalist) — on the other. So, the typology of Bromberg-Agursky based on historical examples reconfirms that conclusion to which we came following a purely logical path: Hebraism, though representing an ethno-religious unity (which is not so obvious yet!), is nevertheless essentially divided in two camps, two "orders", two "communities", two types, which in definite critical situations show not only difference, but also fundamental hostility. Each of these poles has both religious and secular expressions, remaining essentially uniform. "Jewish Orientalism", "Jewish Eurasism" (according to Bromberg) or "Jewish National-Bolshevism" (according to Agursky) comprises in itself a religious level — Hassidism, Sabbatianism, Kabbalah — and a secular level — Marxism, revolutionary socialism, Populism, Bolshevism. "Jewish Occidentalism" also is dual ; in it the religious plan coincides with Maimonidean rationalistic Talmudism (later shown in the Gaons [great sages] of Vilnius, the "Mitnagedim" centres, the anti-Hassidic circles), and the secular version is expressed in liberal-democratic, "enlightened" humanism.

4. Two examples

The fundamental duality we discovered instantly explains a set of factors which remained unclear and paradoxical according to different interpretation methodologies. In particular, a logical explanation is found for the mysterious phenomenon of the so-called "Jewish anti-Semitism". So, Marx’s criticism of Lassalle, in which Marx used extremely Judeophobic expression, and also the considerably anti-Jewish passages in Marx as a whole, identifying Judaism with capitalism, become completely clear, as the Jew Marx from every point of view unambiguously belongs to the mystic-Hassidic, Messianic type, which traditionally sees in bourgeoisie and capitalism — where the relevant role both in philosophical and in common sense is played by the Jews — the main enemy.

In his paper "On the Jewish Question" Marx wrote : "What are secular bases of Hebraism? Material needs, self-interest. What is the earthly ideal of the Jew? Selling. Who is his earthly god? Money.. .. Money – here is the zealous deity of Israel. The empirical essence of Hebraism is trade". Let's notice this underlining of the terms "secular", "empirical". Marx as though hints at two sides. One of them is the material, immanent side, which he, without much ceremonies, labels and throws away as the incarnation of negativeness (let us remind of that truly demonic, anti-Christian role, which Marx attributed to Capital). The second side — not secular, not empirical, transcendental. This represents, according to our reconstruction, the Communist-oriented Jewish mysticism.

Another example. In its times, a group of Kabbalists-Zoharites (Kabbalists admirers of the book "Zohar"), followers of the mystic-Kabbalist Jacob Frank, collectively converted to Christianity, contemporarily "exposing" the odious rites of the Talmudists (Rabbinites), primordial enemies. The Jewish historian G.L.Shtrak in the book "Blood in Beliefs and Superstitions of Mankind" so describes the conflict between the followers of Frank and the Talmudists : "In 1759 they (Frankists — A.D.) have pronounced to the archbishop Bratislav Lyubensky, that they craved for baptisms, as a deer for a source of water, and tendered to demonstrate, "that the Talmudists spill more innocent Christian blood than the pagans, crave for it and use it". At the same time, they asked him to designate for them a dwelling places east of Lemberg, so that they could live there by the work of hands, while "Talmudists-shinkari cultivate drunkenness, drink the blood of the poor Christians and squeeze them up to last dime. (...) Soon after the dispute, under the insistence of the Polish clergy, they accepted baptism for about a thousand Zoharites". In these two examples we see the unity of spiritual opposition at various levels. The atheist Marx identifies Capital with the figure of the "Jew", and on this basis accurses also the Jews and their "empirical deity". Mysticist "Frankists" accurse the Talmudists on a completely different basis, reproaching them — according to the level of the whole polemic — to "drink the blood of the Christians". It is striking, how in the Zoharites the social motives emerges: "Rabbinites squeeze the Christians up to last dime", and Zoharites are going to "to live by the works of hands". The spiritual conflict of mystics-mythologists, Gnostics, zealots and spiritualists against religious moralists, supporters of pure rite, cult formalists, as though uncounsciously and naturally is shifted to the opposition of socialists and capitalists, Bolsheviks and liberal-democrats. In Bromberg’s terminology, it is already not difficult at all to identify Marx and zoharites with "Jewish orientalism", and capitalists and Rabbinites with the "occidentalists." Everything converges.

5. Jews against Jews

Now we shall project the outlined scheme on the Soviet history and discover there the role of the Jews. As a whole, Hebraism on the eve of the revolution was united in its opposition to the existing regime. It concerned both sectors. The Jews-Orientalists were opposed to capitalism and religious conservatism, alienation and formalism in the sphere of culture, craved for a revolutionary change and the opening of the magic aeon of Messianic kingdom. The Jews-Occidentalists did not accept Czarism for completely different reasons, including its backward, insufficiently capitalist, civilized and humanist regime, subject to perfectioning up to the level of the Western civilization. All Hebraism as a whole was solidary in the necessity of overthrowing the dynasty and of the revolution. In it they found allies both among the nationalist Russian periphery, dreaming about shattering the "prison of the peoples", and among the "left-wing nationalists" from the same Russian environment, perceiving the Romanov-Petersburg regime as an anti--national, anti-patriotic, anti-spiritual parody of the genuine Sacred Rus'. Besides, enough Occidentalists were also among the Russian nobility and Russian merchantry actively busy with contemporary Russian capitalism, spoiling the last "cherry orchards" of a quickly degenerating aristocracy. The united action of all these forces, once a favourable situation was present, accomplished the February revolution. But immediately after it the unsolved contradictions within the winning camp emerged. After the overthrowal of the imperial regime, with a second line of fracture (this time internal) appeared very clearly, and this predetermined all the following events. After the February revolution on the foreground there was an opposition of revolutionary and evolutionary forces, left Orientalists and left Occidentalists, Eurasists and Europeists. This fundamental dualism of kinds was very clearly evident also in the Jewish environment itself. The Bolshevik pole had gathered in itself the representatives of "Jewish orientalism", the Hassidic-Kabbalist kind, Jews-communists, Jews-socialists — those, which at the end of the XVIII century wanted "to live by the works of arm". This labour, eschatologist, universalist, mostly Russophile Hebraism solidarized with the National-Bolshevik Russian current of "left imperialists", seeing in the October revolution not the end of the national dream, but its beginning, a new red dawn, the second coming of the Soviet Rus', of the secret Kitezh of the staroobryadetsi, lost in the dark bicentenary of St.Petersburg’s synodal unsacred parody. Bolshevism had gradually absorbed in itself not only the Marxist-Orthodox, but a large number of SR, specially left-wing SR, which could be defined as the Russian analogues of the National-Revolutionaries. In a word, the Jewish organizing into the Bolshevik ranks represent the logical and triumphal conclusion of the historical path for the enormous organic Jewish sector, the roots of which lay in the distant religious disputes of a gray Middle Age. As the enemies of this eschatological community of "Jews-Orientalists" stood all the capitalists of the world, and specially the Jewish bourgeois, secular, empirical (on Marx’s expression) incarnation of the the ancient Rabbinites. From here also the paradoxical Bolshevist "anti-Semitism", not alien also to many Jews-Communists. Agursky refers in his work a most interesting case, when the Jew Vladimir Tan-Bogoraz intercedes for a Russian Bolshevik who has afforded a rough anti-Semitic tirade, not only intercedes, but fully justifies him. How this resembles the quoted story of Zoharites! By the way, we find something similar also in other spheres. So, for example, the famous founder of the Bavarian lodge "Thule", preparing the birth of the National-Socialist Workers Party of Germany, Baron von Sebottendorf, in his time was initiated to the "Egyptian Masonry" in Turkey by a married couple of Jews-Sabbatians and from them received the bases of esoteric science. But thus he himself differed from manifest anti-Semitism (not to mention the about ordinary Nazis). A Jewish (specially Sabbatian) trace can be found also in a number of other strongly nationalist, sometimes,openly racist or anti-Semitic organizations — both European (Masonic), and Eastern (Young Turks). On the other hand, anti-Semitism could be directed also to the opposite side, and and in this case its bearers could quite be either Jews or politicians controlled by them. So, for example, are widely known the anti-Semitic expressions of Churchill, who, referring to the Jewish origin of the majority of the Bolshevist leaders, spoke about "the Jewish menace, threatening civilization from the East". Thus Lord Churchill in his political career leaned on the right-wing Zionist circles of Great Britain and the US, as Douglas Reed convincingly shows. Hence, just as there exists "right" and "left" Hebraism, so there is a "right" and "left-wing" anti-Semitism. Thus also in this question we come to a more complex pattern. From February to October: there passes the watershed between the two halves of the Jewish world, and since a definite moment this opposition acquires its most severe forms. In extreme cases the representatives of both camps resort in their polemic to argumentations almost not dissimilar from the rough vulgar speech of the anti-Semites. But this is not all. At the climax of confrontation, the collision acquires the nature of war of physical destruction, as we see in the history of Stalin purges among the ranks of the Soviet government.

6. To live by the work of hands

There is no doubt that the Jews differ by their unique ability in some social, economic and cultural areas. Centuries of diaspora have taught a lot to a small but resistant, persistent people wishing not to miss their ancient dream, their millennial religion, their remote promise. Looking at everything around as something temporary, distant, transitory, the Jews have worked out a number of striking dynamical features allowing them to be instantly guided into social dynamics, in the rapidly ongoing processes of a state and national scale, flowing into the environment of the "big peoples", which, "being always at home", understood everything with a definite lag, with slow, a-posteriori reflection. But these skills could be differently used in the different situations. So, the Jews-Bolsheviks have gathered all efforts, all national talents, all spiritual powers to the creation of the most powerful Soviet state, the empire of social justice, the Eurasist bastion of overland geopolitics. And the manifold elements of the Jewish diaspora in Europe, America, Asia, coming from the same religious-spiritual, mystical, spiritually "Orientalist", "Eurasist" environments, were for long decades a structural support for the Soviets, the geopolitical agents of the Great Eurasia, the guides of Bolshevist Messianism. It was just them who basically formed the Third International, later Comintern, the powerful Eurasian network, the subtle agency of Moscow in every corner of the planet. But again, we shall stress that we are not simply talking about the Jews, but about a special category of Jews, about a special Jewish camp, about the "Jews-Eurasists". By the way, at a definite stage they, these "red-brown" Jews-Eurasists also have prepared the creation of the state of Israel, having started under the direction (and the approval) of Moscow a hard fight with the English-Atlantists, with the forces of capital and liberal democracy. They formted the axis of the Israeli left-wing forces, a fruit of whose efforts were the famous kibbutz.

Again, the same Zoharite "to live by works of hands."

The apologists of Hebraism as such, exhibiting all Jews as extremely innocent victims, can find no way to explain why, in times of severe repression as the Leninist and Stalinist purges, Jews were not only the victims, but also the jailers ; and not only individually, as single persons, but just as a group, a party, a faction. This circumstance - never explained either in the anti-Semitic, or in the Judeophile framework - can be actually explained, since under the Soviet power the internal fight within Hebraism did not cease : Bolshevik, "Hassidic", "Zoharite" elements well knowing the skills and the snake-like moods of their own co-nationals, their taste for intrigues, chameleonism, conspiracies, mercilessly fought the bourgeois elements of Hebraism, together with the residuals of "Jews-Occidentalists", the heirs of "Rabbinite" spirit, the ideological descendants of the "Mitnagedim." From here also stems the paradox — why at the centre of purges of clear anti-Semitic accent there stood always and everywhere also Jews. A classic example of such position can be found in Lazarus Kaganovich, most loyal follower of Stalin, convinced and staunch National-Bolshevik, whom the Russian Nationalists, completely misunderstanding, have unfairly turned into an emblematic figure of "Jewish conspirator". It would be difficult to invent a greater "anti-Semite" (in its anti-Talmudical sense). How the internal drama Soviet Hebraism evolved in the times of Lenin and Stalin - this was a passionate, heroic, epoch, full of ups and downs, which (we have no doubt) one day will be conveniently and detailedly described.

7. From crisis to collapse

The critical point in the history of Jewish Eurasism is 1948. In this moment Stalin and his entourage come to the conclusion that with a creation of the State of Israel - which right at the beginning had been enthusiastically supported by the Soviet government (as a Hassidic-socialist construction) - proved an instrument of the bourgeois West, as the line of the capitalists – "Mitnagedim" gained supremacy in it. Zionist tendencies began to be awoken also in Soviet Hebraism, and it meant that the initiative was passing to the residuals of the "Occidentalist" sector, whose total eradication was only apparent and whose damage aroused even the vigilant suspicions of the Jews-Eurasists. This moment was fatal — as shown by the last events of the end of our century — for the whole Soviet state, for socialism all over the world. When the anti-Semitic tendency within the Soviet government grew beyond definite limits — especially scandalous was the destruction of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, entirely made of convinced Eurasists and direct agents of Lavrenti Beria (which speaks only to their benefit) — only the most resistant Jew-National-Bolsheviks (the same Kaganovich) could remain unshakable on Russophile, Soviet-imperial positions. As a whole, in the eyes of the Jewish mass the influence of the Eurasists was sufficiently weakened, and their basic geopolitical and ideological line essentially discredited. On the other hand, from the party and military environment the highest power positions began to be restricted to the Great-Russian and Small-Russian [i.e. Ukrainian] elements, far from being able to clearly understand the Messianic path of left-wing Nationalism, Messianic National-Bolshevism, founding the spiritual union of Jewish and Russian Eurasists since the beginning of the century. This new generation felt itself more as étatistes, than apostles of a New Truth, inheriting either the military "Romanovian" spirit of the Czarist caste of war-specialists, not fully eradicated by the Bolsheviks - or the simple Populists, workers-peasants chauvinism with a definite component of unreflective, instinctive anti-Semitism. These army cadres, not knowing the revolution and the supreme spiritual, historical effort that accompany it, did not penetrate into the subtleties of national politics. A singular deafness to this issue was a typical mark of those from Ukraine, who since a definite time — together with Khrushchev — began to occupy more and more tightly the supreme powers in the USSR. And, though immediately after the death of Stalin Beria completely stopped the anti-Semitic "affair of the doctors", the irreparable had occurred. Further there happened the fatal crisis. The Russian-Jewish, Eurasian-continental, international-imperial, Messianic, revolutionary current being the verterbal column of the Soviet Power, was weakened, cracked, deformed at its base. State, authority, economic organisms began to operate inertially. The purges, at whose roots always invariably the fundamental ideological, metapolitical reasons laid hidden, were over, and in their place came the fuzz of clans, the gradual "embourgeoisement" of socialism, its sliding into philistinism, into meanness. Revolutionary eschatological pathos vanished. The Soviet state was left to keep on only inertially. The world base of the eschatological Eurasist revolution had essentially turned into a normal state. Powerful, great, original, but deprived of the heat of its original ecumenical mission. At the level of Hebraism this meant the full defeat of the "Hassidic-Sabbatian" camp and the gradual coming to primary roles of the Jews-rationalists, Kantians, humanists, Mitnagedim, Occidentalists. The secret alliance to National-Bolshevism was terminated, Jewish Orientalism was quickly marginalized. Its influence, its positions catastrophically fell. Gradually the type of the Jew-Bolshevik was pushed to the edge, and within the leadership of the Jewish community in the USSR the representatives of Maimonides, Talmudical brand were put forward. More often in a secular, humanist-liberal version. This bourgeois, right-wing Zionist flank henceforth worked only to the collapse of the Soviet formation, prepared the great collapse of socialism, undermined this giant geopolitical construction from the inside. By the way, in unison with this destructive anti-Eurasian tendency worked also definite anti-Semitic circles within the KGB – this only aggravated the dissolving of that spiritual, cultural and ideological synthesis, which was the mysterious propellant of the original Bolshevism, of National-Bolshevism. Anyway, the collapse of the Soviet State was the direct result of the withdrawal of the Jewish lobby from the creative statalist Bolshevik position and its direct or indirect complicity with the hostile anti-Soviet Atlantist capitalist West.