Saturday, December 03, 2022

outsider inside inside ukie scoop

2 short George Webb videos as 'apperitiv'

Chinese Foreign Ministry Accusation Leads To WHO And Wellcome Trust Vaccine Bid Irregularities That Suggested Foreknowledge of the Pandemic.
Calling Out Kolomoisky In 2018 As BioAgent Partner
georgewebb December 3, 2022 19 Views

ps: stupid NATOites think they can abuse 13eagle for their rotten phoney hominess ... but since they make it an 8h vid to show off their catch [w 1/2h break] i'll take the trouble ....

 2022 NATO Bucharest Forum | Day 1 [29 NOV 2022]
NATO = 175K subscribers
3,234 views  Streamed live on Nov 29, 2022
The annual Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum is a platform for genuine, thought-provoking, and forward-looking debate, which seeks to address topical questions and tackle the complex issues of increasingly dynamic and volatile regional and international contexts.  // end quote

wars are popular and attractice only to those under poverty pressures ... and/or those who had the misfortune of lacking guidance to canalize hi testoterone talents into meaningful ways, like swale and ponddigging, rockcrushing, compost art .. treecultleadership ... but as they metastacized into pure and ever more refined and massive biocidality, a 'need' to slip into a new gimmick and carry on under new cover was born ... note name change game poppietide arisin across the board ... suspecticating dat dasturd thing damn near all the way to hell already in fact.

In light of the last few years it should not, and hopegivingly does not strike just me as telling that biocidality went global first and best via the hypertrans-corpsocracy with the most sanctimonious cover [the mafiya olympics] and has brought ..  [health]care industries .. the closest to that criminal-coveted gold [leads.. at yoURL E-Waste Way into DisService].

if you need to guess which branch of our everyday profession has gotten closest to that criminal-coveted gold[en sheavefield prize ... funny how gold flipped from standard to leading {{{Y}}}oURL E-Waste Way into DisService], ... then you may be one of the dopily duped and dutched down hordes of psyapplauded sacrofficials, duh 'wellmeaningness should be the whole of law and suffice' righteous assissted by the noo redguards opposing wars while financing them on the sly by per[ ]verdynerdy division ... all of which comes out faster and faster .. even as the traction record come under more chokerie pokerie prods, fires and firings ..... there is no retreating and/or resorting to underbellie pressure in any predictable way, reflexivity cycles are much much to short and pick up gamey. I hope you [all who think this here satanism awesome, honest and honerable] realize all things NATO will bear a chopping block stigma, growin louder at clappity clobberclip. CLAP! .. like collosal lion feedlots did for early kkkgggrrriiissstttiiiaaannnsss in Rome of yore

Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 24: Ask the Inspector

18.3K subscribers
Scott Ritter answers questions from the audience with host Jeff Norman every Friday night at 5 PM PT/5 8 PM ET/midnight GMT and every Tuesday at noon PT/3PM ET/7PM GMT. Submit your question in advance:


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