Monday, March 29, 2021

Wonders Of The Skies - 57 lights train over Holland just now

march 29th, 6:07 to 6:09 am, 25 miles east of Rotterdam, west to east, 57 point of light [average starstrength] moved across the sky slowly .. in a perfect line w irregular but steady distance between them [all travelling at the same speed].
please explain

Monday, March 22, 2021

What Happened Last Year: A Macro Look Ecological & Public Health Crisis ...

march 20th:
QUEEN of Maffias leads worldpowergrab
174 videos - 30 views - Last updated on Mar 11, 2021
about a third deleted or private ....

.... Zach makes a few interesting points about that around the 3 quarters of an hour mark [of 3 hours total]