Leftists Debate Modern Monetary Theory
Leftists Debate Modern Monetary Theory
•Nov 13, 2020
Zero Books
75.9K subscribers
Zero Books is mirroring this debate on MMT.
What are MMT's (Modern Monetary Theory's) implications for a post-capitalist future?
The Swoletariat hosted this debate but experienced technical audio issues throughout and had to edit himself out of much of the video.
Derick Varn is a Podcaster, poet, editor, and teacher in Utah. Former Expatriate. Author of Apocalyptics. @zer0books staff.
Follow Derick on Twitter @skepoet
there's a catch, nowadays there aren't enough minerals in the food to make an average brain tick over enough to grasp all that anymore, never mind fresh minerals in the soil below the 'whole' thing. But that's also our chance and challenge: ground the picture more so it becomes wholer, more instant, better suited to be a guide and fundament, without ending up in scarry scary institutions. in fact the energy to make the glacial fines all civilizations squander and destroy recklessly can be generated cleanly in the very same 'only' decentral ways mmt can work only also, at the same gestalt/ inspiration / insight flash / time.
more here: https://ia601400.us.archive.org/29/items/piety-Piet-mid-80s-to-2005/chronotes-1988-2019-piety-Piet.htm