Thursday, November 26, 2020

Leftists Debate Modern Monetary Theory



Leftists Debate Modern Monetary Theory
•Nov 13, 2020
Zero Books
75.9K subscribers
Zero Books is mirroring this debate on MMT.

What are MMT's (Modern Monetary Theory's) implications for a post-capitalist future?

The Swoletariat hosted this debate but experienced technical audio issues throughout and had to edit himself out of much of the video.

Derick Varn is a Podcaster, poet, editor, and teacher in Utah. Former Expatriate. Author of Apocalyptics. @zer0books staff.

Follow Derick on Twitter @skepoet
there's a catch, nowadays there aren't enough minerals in the food to make an average brain tick over enough to grasp all that anymore, never mind fresh minerals in the soil below the 'whole' thing. But that's also our chance and challenge: ground the picture more so it becomes wholer, more instant, better suited to be a guide and fundament, without ending up in scarry scary institutions. in fact the energy to make the glacial fines all civilizations squander and destroy recklessly can be generated cleanly in the very same 'only' decentral ways mmt can work only also, at the same gestalt/ inspiration / insight flash / time.
more here:

GCL flips a Tank upsidedown Veeeeeey



GCL flips a Tank upsidedown Veeeeeey
•Streamed live 3 hours ago
Ryan Dawson
79.4K subscribers
my grey thursday gift to you ....: make a shirt that says :
GLOBALISTS DID iz not real
btw, a third of duh vids sugg'ed to me are yours, going as far as 4 years back, 2 made and seen and liked and shared recently ..

Apparently One America News has been kicked off for a week.
1 minute ago (edited)
wow .... NTD is a close proxy ... anybody wanna call it a cheap sino knock off for black friday forevaaaaah????? AudioBookBin ... 6h+ fanny kelly on the most turbulent times in SIOUX country using AngLash, ... with 95% of commentarians coomplaynin 'bout the lady's sjw/transy inflections btw ... but to me the story was a huuuuuge and welcome distraction except from 'GLOBLASTISTES' DID IZ not real of course .. and, albeit/therefore a weak one ... on account of gruesomeness g[al]ore echoing forward with all the  metastatic toxtec nerdiness escalatin thru the generations and now discounting millions with lines of code that fit on a fortune cookie and come and go without provable trace .. Pierre Clastres' account of native ideas around statehood comes to mind  ... except they used a clean cuts and honest dirt version of duh vexy vacvaxtec ...... ... hey .. OUR FORTUNE COOKIE CODE SAVES [domindjinns] millions ....  that's an apt line for a black friday Tshirt offering too .. my opening salvo for the noo meme warz ... i don't need my share just now bud, go  for it.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

A FARM AT THE SEA on the Swedish West coast


 very beautiful ... if you had something to chew rock you could drain lots of the wet parts, put emergency irrigation ponds in ... and remineralize all of it of course. that's the red thread thru my work [with way too small a practice component but i compensate relating it to all of the most mentated disciplines of life. i am in holland and from april to early november nowadays i run the risk of sunstroke from all the crazy monitor work [ethics can be strained thru it but only in a heavenly way ... lots of empty impassibles between big movers not easy herd, let alone pull in the same direction. anyways ... i think i have t o move north although i am already 62.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Zach Bush MD: Wellness Force with Josh Trent

Zach says farms are plant concentration camps ... and he's not wrong but i think it will be easier to dissolve the memecrusts making this hell happen when we learn / teach to pretend that rocks are dust concentration camps and celebrate / pageantate the 1 2 3 step up of mobility axes budge bump and grind .. in a peace waging way ... right down the middle of highest tension front line just in time to distract polarized factions and culture cults either side of it from goin at each other with killcull intent.
ps: this is a recap / repiet of the kinds of comments i began writing under 'battle of seattle' related news that sprang up and went global quickly via indymedia sites .. i preserved a quote peppered and spiked history of it here:
enjoy and/or save for later ... soak in your search pool ... cause search pool fertilizer is all it is really

pure projection, .. but from perfect poise, stripped of kneejerk compensation ... lots about compensation though.

fertility for all .. great and small not even harming the rocks you source it from, ... who doesn't like to be given a shine ?????

conscience, ethics, fertility, force, deception, aggression, peace, indigeneity, tradition, desertification, micro solutions, growth factor preferences