Thursday, September 10, 2020

Finally, a different title! “The life of okra and bamboo fence, LOL这次可算有...

for my 'permacooledsure' list {second one 'already' .. contrast w HHoE series, up to 11th now}

.. but 10 million views give hope huah?

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

"White Sharpton"

what he says is not wrong but the attempt to transplant values cross
continentally, ... like cernunnos taking the amrita secrets to europe,
seems to risk losing them altogether, apart from a few embers .. to blow
their after- into foreglow is an attempt i won't forego .. and am
proudly owning a sense of urgency for - one that is comforting to know
and try make show .. until sadness has consumed me entirely.

Monday, September 07, 2020


my note from the last day of august:

the murderer shot thru the arm 2 days before killing, already dissociated fully from any blame on his own side .... which is just as fully in line with speaking about taking guns away and then, inspired ... i mean infected by his nemesis, using one on them himself

Portland Protests: Witness Shot in the Arm During Scuffle

195K views -- Jul 28 - Bloomberg QuickTake News

498K subscribers - 4111Cs

Sandy Husacek: "last night someone got stabbed so it's starting to escalate." So he brought his daughter today. Dad of the year award goes to...

612 +58

John M.: This murderer will regret this interview. He's fuct now! He's got a bad case of what's known as The Narcissistic Smirk.


powerwheelscd: 48 year old Professional Snowboarder/part time murder wants to re-imagine the county.   No Thanks.


Portland housing Antifa?

news as perceived in India

Portland marks 100th night of anti-racism protests | Fresh protest erupt in Kentucky | BLM -- 787 views -- Sep 6 - WION - 1.67M subscribers

4browsing: This channel constantly uses Orwellian Newspeak, it's RIOTS/Terrorism not "protests".

Den k: They need to say. Pitchers are saying everything.

Tiny Boy: @Den k when in india there were riots by Muslims your American media was also saying peaceful protest

you guys understand 'contest'? As in 'i avoid the pitfall to resent in order contest your theft of idealism fuel and hope; the proof is in the 'proponage' and praxis of rubbing rocks together and send all home with equal shares of dust .. to be 'reduced' for/to fresh air and nourishing plots, .. to reverse inflammations of all kinds. that brick provision cabal has my 'meshage' well and truly reversed ....

he, pssst, could you help me out here .... how have my efforts been used so counterproductively? What devilish inversion escaped my efforts to recruit, harness and transform or at least prevent and contain them, even if only with a 'bracket off' or/and 'bracket in' action? - i'll give you a lead if you have time and inclination to stop that leak in my fire and flood preventing 'swale towards detox and world peace' efforts. This is the third result for a search with the moniker i used at the time:

Portland imc - 2007.01.01 - Portland Indymedia - › 2007/01 › discuss

Zerzan will be in Portland, Oregon this Friday, January 5 at 7 PM to give a ... here (8th and last comment): ... I would love to comment on poetpiet's post, but is is indeciperable and I don't ...

that last line is by a person who made a feeble efforts ... very few people did ... and i am beginning to believe that only 1 in a billion people with analog talents equivalent to mine make the internet their weapon of choice.